tempora bona veniant - abbey

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tempora bona veniant

It is an ancient invocation that is part of the Laudes Regiae (it is the fourth last invocation).
The Laudes Regiae (in English: Royal Praise) is a hymn, also known by the name of
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
(Christ wins! Christ reigns! Christ rules!),
which are the first six words of the song.

The Gregorian melody of this piece
it is used as a musical interlude
in the shortwave broadcast of Vatican Radio.

This hymn is sung by the Catholic Church on solemnities, especially in pontifical masses.
It is divided into six parts and is one of the longest hymns.

The Laudes Regiae have their origin in ancient Rome.
When a Roman commander, such as a general, the emperor or a consul entered Rome after having triumphed in a battle, he was greeted by the people singing in his honor.
Charlemagne adopted this Roman custom when he was appointed emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas Eve in the year 800.
From that moment on, the hymn was also known as Laudes Imperiales.

This hymn was then performed by all the kings of France during the ceremony of their royal anointing and, through the Normans, it also reached England where it was also used by the English sovereigns until the beginning of the Anglican reform.

The song reminds the powerful from where and from whom every earthly power comes, that no one can exercise arbitrarily, by force, without thinking of having to answer to God.

It is currently also used in  commencement celebration
of the pontificate of the newly elected pope
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updated 23 June 2024
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